Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Most common phrases

Walk in the Park

  • Meaning: Something simple or easy, in comparison to something more difficult
  • ExampleCalculating the interest rate is a walk in the park compared to do a regression analysis.
Beat Someone to the Punch
  • Meaning: Do something before or faster than someone else
  • ExampleI wanted to buy a great used car I saw yesterday, but someone beat me to the punch – today it’s gone.
Cooking Up a Storm
  • Meaning: Cooking a great dish of food
  • ExampleYou should come over to our house for New Year’s! My wife will be cooking up a storm, and we’ll have football on television.
Crash a Party
  • Meaning: To attend a party without being invited
  • ExampleLet’s go out and crash a party. There are dozens of parties tonight, and nobody will be keeping track of guest lists.

Give Something a Whirl

  • Meaning: Attempt something without being totally familiar with it
  • ExampleI need someone for a relational-database project. – I’ve never tried one, but I’ll give it a whirl.
Have a Tough Row to Hoe
  • Meaning: Be faced with a task that is difficult because of unfavorable conditions
  • ExampleI’m not surprised that Kristin didn’t meet this month’s sales quota. She has a tough row to hoe with her staff – they’re incompetent.
Hit the Books
  • Meaning: To study (generally said of students)
  • ExampleOK, I’ll come to the party Friday. But Saturday it’ll be time to hit the books.
Hit the Hay
  • Meaning: To go to bed
  • ExampleI have to get up at 5 tomorrow morning. It’s time to hit the hay.
Note: “Hit the sack” is also used.
Home Away from Home
  • Meaning: A habitual hangout; a place one frequents often and where one feels welcome
  • ExampleThat corner bar is my home away from home – I spend an hour there after work almost every day.
In Touch
  • Meaning: In contact
  • ExampleI’ll be out of town this weekend, but I’ll be in touch when I get back Sunday night.
Note: You can also say “get in touch,” contact someone.

Knock Some Sense Into

  • Meaning: To beat someone in order to teach him/her a lesson. May be used figuratively.
  • ExampleWhen I was little and behaved badly, my father could be counted on to knock some sense into me.
Lose Touch
  • Meaning: To fall out of contact
  • ExampleSocial media are great for finding old friends with whom you’ve lost touch.
Make Someone’s Day
  • Meaning: Do something pleasing that puts someone in a good mood
  • ExampleThanks for the flowers! They really made my day.
Me Time
  • Meaning: Activities undertaken for one’s own enjoyment, free from responsibilities to others.
  • Example: On Saturday I’m usually busy with the kids, but Sunday afternoon is me time. My husband takes them, and I usually go to the mall.

On a Roll

  • Meaning: Having a consistent run of success
  • ExampleI’m on a roll! I got a top score on my exam, I got a new job, and I have a date with a great guy on Saturday.
Pass with Flying Colors
  • Meaning: To succeed brilliantly, as on an exam or other test
  • Example: My mother really likes you! You passed with flying colors.
Play With Fire
  • Meaning: Do something very risky
  • ExampleYou’re playing with fire if you keep driving that car-the floor under the seat is almost completely rusted out.
Put a Thumb on the Scale
  • Meaning: Try to influence a discussion in an unfair way, cheat
  • ExampleCity leaders put a thumb on the scale during discussion of the new stadium, never mentioning the alternative side favored by community activists.
Ring a Bell
  • Meaning: Sound familiar
  • ExampleThe name Susan Thompson rings a bell. I think she worked here-let me look it up.

Spin A Yarn

  • Meaning: Tell a story
  • ExampleSophia spun a long yarn about missing the bus, getting caught in traffic, and having to visit a sick friend, but I think she just overslept.
Note: You can also use “yarn” by itself to mean a story. Both of these are slightly old-fashioned but still in use.
Take The Mickey (Piss) (Out Of Someone)
  • Meaning: Make fun of or ridicule someone
  • ExampleShe’s our flat mate. We take the mickey out of her all the time, but we love her.
Trip the Light Fantastic
  • Meaning: Dance well; do ballroom dancing
  • ExampleThere’s a live tango group playing tonight. Let’s go down and trip the light fantastic!

idioms and phrases

Idiom: Break the ice Hindi Meaning: शीत तोड़ना Example Sentence: वह दोस्त बारिश के मौसम में हमेशा लड़ाई को शीत तोड़ने के लिए करता है। (He al...